Tour Date Search

Thu, Jun 13, 2024

Tour Date Details
Oct 15
Misfits at Bronson Centre in Ottawa, ON, Canada
Misfits Static Age Revisited Tour
Static Age
  1. Static Age
  2. TV Casualty
  3. Some Kinda Hate
  4. Last Caress
  5. Return of the Fly
  6. Hybrid Moments
  7. Teenagers From Mars
  8. Children in Heat
  9. Come Back
  10. Angelfuck
  11. Hollywood Babylon
  12. Attitude
  13. Bullet
  14. Theme for a Jackal
  15. In the Doorway
  16. Spinal Remains
  17. She
  1. Abominable Dr. Phibes
  2. American Psycho
  3. Speak of the Devil
  4. Die Monster Die
  5. Astro Zombies
  6. Skulls
  7. Where Eagles Dare
  8. Scream!
  9. Fiend Club
  10. Vampire Girl (with Alicia Vigil of She Demons on bass)
  11. Dig Up Her Bones
  12. Saturday Night
  13. Helena
  14. American Nightmare
  15. Don't Open 'Til Doomsday
  16. We Are 138
  1. The Devil's Rain
  2. Vivid Red
  3. Land of the Dead
  4. Descending Angel
  5. Zombie Girl
  6. Die, Die My Darling
  7. Halloween